I wonder if they'll ever re-release this OP! I'd love to have in in green, red and sax in the correct size. (M or S) I'm on the hunt of similar gingham dresses at this point.

Liz Lisa may not properly be a lolita brand, but this dress definitely can fit a petti, and it's just so comfortable in summer. Gingham and strawberries are such a great combo too!

Skirt: Handmade by Mikibows
I like this combo, it's like these two pieces were made to match!

Yup, I got my hands on another piece of this print series. I think this is the ultimate form for this print, it's perfect and I love how it looks on me! Underbusts have my heart. The fabric is also different from the other JSK I have, it feels more trustworty, like it will break less, and I love the feel of it.

I adore this print in all its colorways and shapes. All the little details, all of it, is just so cute and straight out of a delicate fairytale. Last year this dress became a meme in our comm cause there were two people hunting for it, they were both bidding for the same dress, it was quite funny! At last we all got what we wanted, so we're planning a meet where everyone wears this print series!

This skirt is quite good to wear in summer, it has a built-in petti, and it's very light. Also, since it arrived damaged, I put my heart to rest and I wear it without fear a bit more casually. It even has pockets, something I didn't realize until much later!!

I admit I didn't realize the base was pink or I would have skipped this dress. But the print is so cuuuute! I mostly wear it without the pink bib in its underbust form, I put it on for the wardrobe pics. Of course I don't have a matching blouse in pink or sax.

Found this after the other one, the material is sturdier in comparison. The person who sent it to me claimed it to be a very beloved skirt, so beloved it was sent in a shoebox with openings and it arrived all dirty. The closure was also moved to be larger in a bit of a messy job. Dry cleaner did what it could. It's a very long skirt, which generally looks bad on me, so I'm pondering on what to do with it. But I couldn't resist the print.

It's animals of the forest having a birthday party!! How cute is that?!?!
Again, a rather long skirt, but the print is so ridiculously cute, I couldn't resist it.
I'm not usually very fond of black, and certainly not of pink details, but the subject was irresistible.

Dream dress acquired in my favorite colorway and in perfect condition! I love it sooo much. I love the blue of the sky, and all the little houses remind me of the buildings in Warsaw from the old city, which I loved when I was a child and still do love dearly. I love the little hearts in the sky, I love the dove bringing hearts around. This print is so hopeful and bright and happy. The fabric is also quite nice.

I got this before the other colorway popped out, I'm a bit bummed out by the state it arrived in, all stained, smelly under the armpits, yellowed, and covered in dirt and hairs. I definitely overpaid for it and I'm sad it was in a bad shape, a print this pretty doesn't deserve it. Dry cleaning couldn't get the stains out but at least it's not as dirty anymore. I want to keep it at least for twinning.

It's a carousel of animals full of flowers!! I know there's other carousel prints out there that are much more famous and preferred by other people, but to me only this one hits just right. And the underbust cut is especially cute. Plus it has red! I was sworn to fall for this print the moment I set my eyes on it.

Remember how last year I couldn't find this dress on lolibrary? I have hunted it down on the web archive and added it to lolibrary myself! I'm quite proud of myself for succeeding in doing this. Plus I recently found another colorway of it, and I'll get it in the mail soon!It has been the dress I've worn the most in 2023, as it's comfy, light, and overall versatile.

This dress is a bit long for my taste, but I love the classic look of it. I'm crazy for the collar part, and I think I got the best colorway for it. I don't know how to describe it, but It feels very close to the ideal of lolita that I'm aiming for.

This dress has been the protagonist of some shenanigans such as rotating petticoats on the dancefloor. I'm usually not fond of random text over prints, but the other details are all very nice!

Got this OP to match with my friend who has it in the grey version. Will we ever wear it and twin together? still it's very comfortable, soft, and has two deep pockets and very cute details.

The lace on this dress is simply incredible. The ribbon on the front is also very pretty. I love this dress cause it's very elegant and refined without overdoing it.

I still can't believe I have one of the holy grails of lolita in my hands. The ribbon it arrived with wasn't its original one, so while I'll look for something to replace it with, I'm using one from the IW dresses I have. Also this is probably the dress that fits me the best, just like a glove, and it has so much room for a petti underneath! I'm in love.

This dress is normally outside of what I tend to wear, because it has pink trimmings, and it's very yellow. Since it had missing bows, and it was completely butchered on the inside, I got it for a fair deal, and it has started to grow on me since. I pair it with those flowers to replace the missing bows, and the fabric, although worn, has a very pretty flower motive beyond the print.

My first Mary Magdalene dress! Very light and summery, I wore it a lot in sumer this year. Comfortable, well constructed, I didn't think I'd like it as much as I ended up doing. I'm quite happy with it!

The print on this dress is exquisite, I love all of its details. The dress can work well as a casual piece as well as fit a voluminous petticoat, so it got me doing creative pairings. The outer fabric is especially silky to the touch in a way. Truly pleasant!

Yup, I absolutely did it. I bought the same dress in several coloways. As a preorder. Yes.

Why you may ask? Because I love underbust dresses! And I was dreaming of doing a big twinning meet.

Plus, these dresses have two deep pockets each and some wonderful cotton!

This dress is such a comfortable, breezy, long flowery piece in my wardrobe. I also like to wear it casually with no petticoat in the summer. It's constructed really well and fits like a glove.

Until I get IW Clara OP, I'll keep searching for ways to fill the void with blue dresses. This is a patch to that void. I also got the matching apron for that full Alice look. It's a cute dress that can also be worn casually without the apron, I ended up wearing it and liking it more I would have initially thought.

A gingham dress in sax and by IW is like a dream! It has the vibes of The Wizard of Oz like this, it's so adorable! I wore it in summer and I can't wait to wear it again many times!

A lovely sailor piece. It arrived with several little undisclosed damages (stains, and loose shirring in the back) and I'm a bit uncertain about how to repair the back without damaging the lining or completely undoing and redoing the shirring, for which I don't have the skills yet I think, so, a bit of a bummer cause the piece is nice.

Lovely, adorable, lightweight, breezy piece. I wore it quite a bit in the summer. Machine washable, cute, truly a lovely summer piece!

Innocent World - UV Cut Stripe Sailor OP in Sax 2013
I feel like I got a very obscure item from 2013 since this colorway isn't even on lolibrary! I adore it, the fabric is very light and doesn't need to be ironed. It is the cutest sailor dress!

I have a huge soft spot for sailor dresses, and especially the way Innocent World interprets them. I got this OP together with another one, by total chance, causally spotting them on LaceMarket. A perfect summer dress, as the fabric not only is very light and transpiring, it also doesn't stay sweaty for long!

This dress is so cute. Underbust JSKs are such a blessing. It feels so perfectly classic, and I love the red and yellow accents and all the little details. Paired with a second hand IW wine blouse that has "seen things" but it's still a nice blouse in the end.

The simplest underbust dress from IW I own, I love it. It's easy to wear it casually or make it elegant, it has a crossed back, and it's simply cute. I don't think I'll ever let go of this piece for its potential also outside of lolita and how flattering it is.

This dress feels so academic! The above is my favorite coordination with it. (IW headdress and the necktie stolen from another gray dress) It's classic and elegant and a statement without being too much, so it's quite wearable.

I got this JSK and the ivory blouse from my dear friend kana-palu at the swap meet we had last year in Milan. It is so elegant! I am set to wear this in 2024 or sell it.

Another splendid IW piece from 2012. Since I got it second hand from Vinted and it had a slight feel of wear, it allows me to just wear it without worrying too much about using it, and so I use it a lot, also casually!

I'm not sure I ISOd this dress correctly, but it looks exactly like it EXCEPT for the collar, and there's no other version of this on lolibrary. This dress is DIVINE. It has a feeling of wear now, but it's so simple, so comfortable, so pretty. I love it.

I got this dress from a wonderful person, and it arrived in such a spotless state even if it was second hand! I've been after the red colorway of this for a long time, and I've yet to see it appear anywhere. The blue colorway is just as lovely, I love the stripes of the ribbon too. This is really a great dress. Casual, retro, cute, and yet elegant. I simply adore it. And it has a pocket!

Ultra damaged piece, it has two huge discoloration stains on the cape and on the bottom side of the dress plus several small stains scattered all over. I have washed it multiple times, dry cleaned it, used several methods to also get rid of other problems this one had. Now it's a (very elegant) battle dress.

I actually was looking for the green version of this, but the green has pink ribbons and I dislike pink. So I think this dress is perfect for me! The collar is a weird situation. I love it but it makes it so that if you wear a blouse you have two collars. I also happened to have matching Calzedonia socks! I can't wait to wear it for a meet or a day out.

I adore this dress, I've been wearing it a lot this winter, it's great for quirky casual wear and otome, and just to have an elegant look but not too OTT. And it has two pockets!

A gorgeous JSK, but a bit butchered. It's missing corset lacing, the belt, and I just noticed the previous owner ripped the buttons out. But it looks sturdy and it will be loved.

A dream dress, unfortunately a size too big, and I overpaid for it, but I wanted it greatly. Because the size is wrong but the condition is amazing, I'd like to find it in my size and resell this one, so I'm a bit afraid to use it and ruin it.

A perfect skirt. It's missing the belt but it might be better this way. Perfect length for me, poofy, cute, pockets, casual but quirky to the perfect degree.

Short dress with a built-in petticoat. It has a big cute bow in the back. The person who sold this decided to separate the set and sold the headdress before I bought the JSK, too bad. But I'm happy I found a hat to pair it with! I often wear this one for casualwear as it's super cute and extra comfortable over many hours.

I received it in terrible condition, with all the shirring in the back completely ruined, I had it repaired and it's now a nice staple piece. Simple but classy. Thanks to kana-palu for helping me ISO this dress!

This beauty is a lucky comm sale I got! Looking forward to wear it, it's in fantastic condition, can fit a roomy petticoat and it has amazing lace details.

This skirt had an unfortunate accident in transit, as the seller put it unprotected together with unsealed candies, which of course with humidity and all stained it on the belt, it also arrived all sticky. The dry cleaner couldn't remove the stains, (which are on the sides, no not really visible here). I'll try to wear it sometime, maybe covering it with a shirt.

I wasn't sure about getting this dress, I had to be convinced actually, but I'm glad I got it! It's simple, but has amazing details near the collar. I love musical themes! Would have adored the wine version of this, or even better, the short sleeves version.

This one was advertised as Ista Mori, but the tag said Beaver Duke, I'm unsure which is it! I got everything: the JSK, blouse, headscarf, rectangular headdress, necklace, and then I forgot to order the matching apron! Luckily the website still had some, so it's coming in the mail now.

This is the coord that made me realize I could and wanted to wear lolita fashion. Took me two years to hunt down also the hat which was sold out in all the reseller websites but then I managed to find the taobao shop. I'm so satisfied. The details are beautiful and it feels like walking out of a Victorian novel when I wear it. It also has pockets!

I wore this for the first teaparty I attended last year, in February! I missed the first preorder, so I'm very happy I found a reseller that had it. I think this will be my "important teaparty" dress.

A very cute casual skirt! I already wore it a couple of times, and it's a delight!

Very cute and comfortable skirt, quite roomy too! It's black, striped and has glittery pois! I wish I could ISO it.

Super short navy skirt by IW. It looks plain the front, but the back has some nice poofy details. I wear it in summer in casual contexts and I generally pair it with this Axes Femme cutsew that is much more intricate to balance the plainness of the front.

A moment of praise for the seller on vinted who sold me the skirt, the cutsew and gifted me the big ribbon too. (that belongs to another cutsew). This skirt was my main companion at the seaside trip I posted about last year.

I've tried to ISO it on lolibrary but I can't find it. It has lace all over it and big pearls on the front and handcuffs, plus two front pockets. If you know how it's called, please let me know and I'll update the post.

This coat is the prettiest ever. It is warm, (90% wool!) and the details are really pretty. Since my partner got it for me as a gift last winter, I'm mostly wearing this! After all, I love wearing red.

This jacket has 4 pockets! It was my companion in the last winter, but lately I've work mostly the red one as it covers a little bit better. I'm sure it will make a great return again!

A jacket with a very cute back! Perfect for chilly weather.

Tomoyo's Atelier Capelet, double-sided.
It's super soft! I thought I'd use it more, but it turns out that when it's cold I prefer to dress with more covering pieces, and when it's hot it's too much to wear Q.Q Still, I'd love to find ways to coord this.

The shoes collection has grown from 6 pairs to 10. the AP red teaparties were a lucky find, the vintage shoes were an awesome gift by a friend, the other ones I got in Florence cause I wanted shoes in my size suitable for classic lolita. And the brown Amavel ones were another unexpected gift by a friend!
The hats collection had some varations from last year! Some hats have been replaced, some have joined the collection now. I can't wait to wear the Strawberry minihat by AP! I love vintage minihats, I hope to find more.

There are 3 new bags, specifically the Amavel brown bag, the vintage style bag I got in Tuscany, and the little city bag I got as a gift from a friend. A couple of the bags have started peeling so I'll probably have to replace some of these.
I don't have the energy to document more than this, so here's just a pic of how I'm keeping the accessories I use the most:

This year I focused more on getting accessories, especially socks. Since the yen was weak, I could buy new from brand at the same price of what I'd get used, and I simply find used socks not hygenic, so this was really the only option. Now I have lots of socks! I'm still searching for red colored socks or socks with specific themes, maybe I'll turn socks into a highlight next year, I've depleted the energy for this year's post.
In the end I acquired 27 more main pieces, but also gave up around 23 of them. That should bring the total to 56, last year they were 51. The number has actually fluctuated a bit more, as I've bought some pieces throughout the year that I've sold after a bit cause they weren't perfect fits. I thouched quota 63 at some point where I decided the number needed to go down.
I started using Airtable to track my wardrobe in the middle of the year and so I can give some more data. Some notable things are that half of my main pieces (47%) are by IW, Followed by AP (12.7%), Miss Point (7.3%) and Mary Magdalene (5.45%).
As for overall number of pieces (including accessories, blouses etc.), A third of my wardrobe is IW (35.3% with 77 items) followed in second place by AP (7.8%). To the surprise of noone, my main pieces are mostly navy and red, followed by sax and wine.
I have tracked 77 coords since I started using Airtable for 2023, (I might have missed some from before I used it) and my most worn item is of course my super poofy Petticoat by A&A (tracked 29 times) while the most worn main piece was IW Tartan Plaid Rose Lace Dress (tracked 5 times).

I'm still rather happy with my wardrobe, and I did stay true to what I said last year about only getting some nice deals, and those high tier dream dresses. But there were so many good deals! I feel like my taste has become a bit more refined, and I've ventured in prints and florals a bit more this year.
So that's the end of my fourth year of wearing lolita. I'm once again looking forward to read everyone's wardrobe posts!
See you next year!